Consider the immediate and long-term costs, as well as the ability to prevent potential threats to your IT systems, when deciding between a reactive break-fix approach and proactive managed IT services.
In an effort to cut costs, many small to mid-size businesses adopt a break-fix approach to IT, which involves seeking professional assistance only when an issue arises.
This is short-sighted and almost always a bad financial decision.
Businesses that prioritize preventative care and scalability over short-term savings opt for managed IT services that monitor your business’s systems 24/7. When assessing this critical decision for your business, it is important to look beyond the immediate price tag and examine long-term implications. With a break-fix service approach, it may seem like your business is saving money by addressing problems on an as-needed basis. Yet, managed IT services may actually be cheaper in the long-run as it provides a proactive approach – identifying and diagnosing potential issues before they affect your daily business operations.
Preventative Care
Extensive preventative care is a major benefit of managed IT services, and it is why, despite the greater upfront investment, so many companies are increasingly moving away from the break-fix approach.
Managed service providers believe deeply in the cliché “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
The monthly, fixed-rate investment associated with managed IT services ultimately results in greater efficiency and significant savings, as the emphasis on preventative care reduces the risk for future IT disasters that result in downtime and potential loss of data.
With 24/7 monitoring, you have technicians ready to respond to an emergency at any hour of the day and on weekends and holidays. There’s a peace of mind that comes with knowing you can focus 100% on your business objectives and not be concerned with the exorbitant and unpredictable fees of an off-hours repair technician.
The Ransomware Threat Is Real
Regardless of your company’s approach to IT services, one of your chief goals should be to have measures in place to help prevent ransomware attacks, during which affected computers are held hostage until a fee (or ransom) is paid. Depending on the type of ransomware, that fee could be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousands.
Unfortunately, the costs associated with ransomware extend far beyond the ransom to include significant losses in productivity.
According to the FBI, ransomware attacks cost businesses at least $18 million between April 2014 and June 2015 — and that is likely a low-end estimate. Relying solely on break-fix services will result in a failure to address the underlying issues that led to the attack in the first place.
A Scalable IT Infrastructure
From unexpected downsizing to dramatic growth in business, any variety of sudden changes can expose the limitations of your IT systems. Outsourced managed IT service offers a much-needed element of scalability, thereby ensuring that IT expenses remain manageable after experiencing any sudden growth or expansion. There’s only so much an on-site IT professional can handle, and as your business focuses on meeting new challenges, a dependence on break-fix services can limit your ability to effectively capitalize on new opportunities.
Your IT infrastructure should be a catalyst for continued growth rather than a barrier to productivity. Instead of a hindrance, your IT should be a competitive advantage that drives bottom-line results and top-line growth.
Managed IT service providers work to enhance the capabilities of your in-house team so that every angle of your IT needs are met on a daily basis.
A Proactive Approach
Small businesses, especially those anticipating significant growth, are moving more from the reactive break-fix approach to the more proactive approach of managed IT services. To determine which service is best for your business, take a close look at your budget, the current status of your hardware, and your prospects for growth. Your decision will depend largely on your company’s need for a flexible IT plan that can meet current and future demands.
Don’t be afraid to take the leap and alter your current approach to IT, particularly if constant IT crises are shredding your budget and limiting your operational effectiveness.
A managed IT services plan provides a flexible, scalable foundation that allows your business to thrive. As a trusted managed service provider, Scale helps you control cost and eliminate risks with a fixed rate plan that simplifies your budget. For more information about managed IT services in Little Rock, contact Scale today at 501-588-3199 and let us make life easier so you can focus your time and energy on what’s important – growing your business.